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WE CARE FOR CHENNAI [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
People's Association of India [PAI]Views: 162
Jun 01, 2005 5:05 am People's Association of India [PAI]
RHA There is dire need for reforms in Indian nation. The foremost in the list of reforms would be the political and governmental reforms followed by corruption issue in private sector which is now prevalent.

The bulk of the problem India faces today attributes to its erosion of strong value system that once its ancient culture boasted of.

In order to re-look and redefine the course of development of India as a balanced nation with strong foundation to be a model nation with a vibrant yet realistic economy that is fair enough to its billion people it is proposed to form People's Association of India, a think tank that is not having grand plans but makes a sincere attempt to mature as an action group to revive the national politics to the core in order to bring fresh perspective to governance. This could mean even several changes to the constitution of India.

Several things in the past that have been proven impossible are proven to be possible by humans as the time passed by.
Gandhi's grand father might have not even dreamt of a FREE India while Gandhi could envision and realize the dream within his life time along with several others who lead the struggle. Subhash Chandra Bose travelled all over to garner support for INA in a world where there were not enough telephones or the internet forums!!

Contrary to the freedom struggle where the opponent was foreign this time the opponent is within who could be our brother, sister, uncle, aunt or even a good friend!!! So it is not going to be different from the Mahabharat and we may have to listen to Gita Saar many times!!!!

The journey that can be suggested for People's Association of India is very simple and has been divided into a few phases as follows:

Chintan : A brainstorming and introspection phase where only thoughts are exchanged and a database of suggestions made to make India a clean nation both in terms of its habitats and its people would evolve. This phase could be 1-2 years before even deciding the next steps for the action plan.

Sanghatan : A phase that may extend up to 3-6 years which would be dedicated to bring together a strong representation across the various cross section of the society which feels that things are not right to the core and there is a dire need to form a tight organization that would take the onus of being a voice that can steer the directions for the nation including influencing the politics of the nation to go in the direction that is in the national interest. The PAI will strive towards encouraging and pooling in many NGOs that are identified to be doing their bit for national development through their various programs.

Nirmaan : The implementation phase which needs no description given the uphill task ahead and would last for 5-n years until it is achieved.

Samriddhi : Upon successful implementation of the task as conceived in the earlier stages, the PAI will work towards improving and re-tuning the concepts to adapt to changing geo-political and geo-economic conditions.

Given the onslaught on Indian mindset that went on for more than 500 years pre-independence it should be acknowledged that the phases defined and the duration suggested for each phase are quite compact and their actual time frame would be decided in the next 2 years during the Chintan phase as to how should the change take place with minimal impact on the ecological, economical and social fabric of Indian sub-continent and the world has a whole.

Although it is not the clear intention of PAI to be a political outfit that would bring about the change, it would not shy away from being one based on the outcome of Chintan phase if the need arise to bring the constitutional changes from within the parliament with its MPs sitting in numbers more than 500 to pass the bills. In such a case where the 500 plus MPs would sit in the parliament the first bill to be passed will be of their own salary revision at par with the Corporate India and will be directly connected with the performance of the economy and the national exchequer. This would be the first step in legitimizing the aspiration of leaders to earn for their kith and kin apart from enjoying the authority and power while being accountable to their people.

The PAI will go live with huge funds that runs into Trillions of Rupees and equally large talent base that would only look into the defined tasks of national resurgence, if at all the elite of India or even the middle class wishes to see their counterparts who are less fortunate to live a decent quality of life without being deceived by their own brethren whose subsidies now lie in homes of authorities that are in charge of disbursing them.

The whole effort of PAI has a possibility to be nipped in the bud if it cannot sustain the Chintan phase or the possibilities of the action group failing at the subsequent phases due to any reasons that could be deemed genuine for Indian circumstances. However, that would not stop the Action Group to try everything possible to realize its dream of India as most admired nation by its own people and by the world community.

If you think you could add value to the Chintan phase where we need your inputs as a stake holder in the future of India you are welcome to be at PAI network at http://pai-network.ryze.com

I chose Ryze as start point for our discussions (instead of yahoo or google forums) as the first reaction from Indian business leaders, professionals and intellectuals all over the world would be available here and that would help us make a beginning that would sure not be resistance-free!!

Based on the inputs and further developments, PAI would have its own web portal in the next 6-9 months.


Rajesh H A
Initiator and Interim Caretaker
People's Association of India

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