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The WE CARE FOR CHENNAI Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts
Answer to Robby for "What we are supposed to do?"Views: 137
Sep 22, 2004 9:06 amAnswer to Robby for "What we are supposed to do?"#

Govind Srinivasan

Glad you came to this Network.

If you go through my first couple of postings in this Network, you may get a sketch.

The one single issue that we can harp on, to begin with, is CHENNAI ROADS. I think a good lot of issues get converged into this, the moment we keep CHENNAI ROADS as the convergence point in this WE CARE FOR CHENNAI network.

Be it the deteriorating road conditions, the mindless road diggings and the careless and callous way the dug pits are left open or shabbily closed, the road traffic problems (lack of stricter adherence to traffic signals and the lacklustre way the Traffic Police attends to its jobs), etc. A lot more issues crop up, when we converge on ROADS, like Pubic Transport System, bulging automobile population and the shrinking roads, lack of planning foresight that has made parking of automobiles a nightmare, the continuing old-world tactics in licensing and renewals in the RTOs, huge risky bill boards which are competing with each other to touch the sky and pose grave dangers to moving traffic, so on and so forth.

My finding is this, as it should be with everybody else here too. A lot of people complain or feel helpless seeing the plight of roads. But they don't join hands with a dedicated long terms approach. We forget the problem, the moment we get through it and start telling once again, "Our country won't improve at all".

My ideas are these.

1. Enlist spirited volunteers of about 100. Create a strong (very strong) bondage among them.

2. Identity the micro-issues about CHENNAI ROADS. Say about 10-12 of them, max. Arrive at a consensus and freeze them.

3. Rope in enough and varied talent into the network, about which I talked about enough in my first mail or the second one. The internal talent bank, that will find place within this Network, is going to be the solid assets with which have to confront the issues.

4. We have to avoid the inroads of any political party into our network and take a stand that will be apolitical in our approach to getting work done.

5. We will act as a PRESSURE GROUP, doing everything possible, to showcase the PLIGHT OF CHENNAI ROADS, be it though media or through novel public gestures to register the protest wherever and whenever it is required (but be law-abiding), make enough publicity about the cause including a constantly-updated website, interact with the local authorities where and when required and engage in similar such activities.

6. The biggest challenge is bringing people into the NETWORK. Most people would like to circumvent a problem and not confront it. If we are able to make even a small dent in this approach, our efforts can be very successful for the common good.

7. The initial 100 people are the ones on whom we have to bank upon to rope in about 1000 in a fixed time period of, say, 3 months. Tough job but no option. Everything depends on the numbers we would be able to raise into this Network. Of course, numbers with varied talents and skills.

8. Ultimately, the idea is not to keep this network in the virtual platform only and we have to meet physically. We can use the virtual platform to bring unknown people into it (as it brought you and me to know each other)as a tool, but the work-process will be through any other organizational activity.

9. I would like to offer all my support to this group and want more more young people to take the center-stage.

Will be back with you, if you want more clarity.

Govind Srinivasan

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