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NGO television.Views: 152
Nov 05, 2004 2:23 amNGO television.#

krishna kumar
Govts and private sector have not been able to tackle societal , enviromental, ecological and ethical problems, for whatever reason. NGOs seem to provide answers to these issues. They have been doing a good job in keeping govts and private sector in check. NGO is have been mushrooming countries all over the world.

'2 million(not kidding) NGOs in India' alone.

Hence, the time has come, when NGOs need be in check? and sure it is a matter of interest to the people, anyone faintly realted to any NGO, leave alone general curiosity.

I have a nice Business idea/plan for Television channel based on NGO content.

Initially i plan to have comprehensive and innovative website and webcast of news and content.

what does NGOtv provide?

The proposed website would provide online serives to NGOs and ngo information seekers, in all ways. As a person who has worked on several NGOs, give me the confidence and knowledge about the requirements of NGOs. Nevertheless suggessions and requests are welcomed from all directions. we shall try to the best to resolve that.

Quality programme, sustained viewership. services to nice packaging, of programme content and scheduling.

A Platfrom for fund collection, collaboration,neworking and various other services towards efficient functioning and expansion of NGOs
Rating of Ngos, sector wise, and based on operational efficiency, innovative ways and strength.

NGO news which would be dealing with NGOs, their problem with govtand vise versa. thier problems with MNCs and vice-versa cheating NGOs.everything brought out open in black and white.- volunteer contact service, and help networking and collectinginterested people.etc

what would NGO television need ?

Capital for sure.( in The tune of >$1 million)- ideas for cheapest means with minimum standards of quality to get this on ground frist. ( investers, venture capitalists, donors or partners)

Interested NGOs with programmes interested in this venture as it would certainly benifit them. (Open for Stake holders . )

Interested scriptwriter and film makers and producers.consultants, people who have anything to do with starting a channel. ( Open for stake holdings)

Enthusiastic and resourceful youth graduates( relavant) interested in doing something satisfing their need to serve the society and at the same time earn a living.

More information regarding cost and viewership information
Interested people are welcomed for discussions at


email me at k-r-i-s-h-7-8-@-g-m-a-i-l.c-o-m.

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