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The WE CARE FOR CHENNAI Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts

Govind Srinivasan
Now that we have an unmoderated Msg Board, all of us may have to get into a groove and come to a consensus how we can manage the thread of discussions of different topics.

It is quiet possible and natural that anybody may open a new topic and expect rest of the network to comment or join it. That way, we will end up having unwiedly size of topics. The result can again be the same - the decibel of threads reaching unmanageable levels.

I am thinking about doing something fast, reasonable and easy-to-manage in 'regulating' the threads. Kanchana, Lavanya, Harish and Karthik - Don't jump on me :-) for my using the term "regulating". All of you are really great impact in my mind and help me in managing this Network better.

Do let me know what you feel like in the area of THREAD MANAGEMENT.

I will wait till late evening for getting your suggestions.


Private Reply to Govind Srinivasan


Kanchana Ravichandran
My only request is;lets not introduce any regulations now. Lets see the course the messages take. We have all agreed that mostly messages will be centred on Chennai. I hope u understand what I am saying Govind. U r like a protective mother not allowing her child to walk lest it falls and hurts itself. Trial and error makes any work more successful and brings out each one's creativity. So why curb it! Have a grt day.

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran


Where The MIND is Without FEAR
YEAH , one suggestion of thread management is called relax.........
just relax........
all threads will manage themselves....
the art of diplomacy" do not interfere with a problem; it will resolve by itlelf"
we all love you Govind,

Private Reply to Where The MIND is Without FEAR

Mar 23, 2005 5:31 amre: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Govind Srinivasan

You know pretty well that I listen. When Lavanya suggested that I could make changes and opt for the threaded-discussion kind of msg board, I found meaning in it and changed the msg board's landscape immediately. In fact, I didn't observe this particular feature that Ryze Admin had introduced recently and I really thank Lavanya for making me notice the new feature.

Harish, then, convinced me that I could stop moderating on a trial basis. But even before I could read is msg, I opted to reconfigure and make this board unmoderated.

Both of us know it pretty well that, on many issues, you and myself, don't agree, but that hasn't made either of us lose the personal regard we have for each other.

Now, I say that I have my very clear agenda as to what I want to do through WCFC. I believe in Singapore democracy in many respects and I definitely feel that the Singapore democracy kind of management is what Internet Discussion Groups require to follow. Otherwise, it will result in cacophony and may even turn out to be useless bin.

I would love to encourage freedom of expression, but I don't want to be in the sidelines and watch the aimless wandering that many Internet Discussion Groups have gotten into.

It is exactly for this reason that I even offered to make somebody else manage the show of WCFC.

Unmoderated discussion is something that I have readily agreed. I am now asking the people here how do they feel like, if the discussion board remains unregulated. If we don't regulate the discussion board topics, there is a distinct possibility that a serious issue may lose its significance and go to the background in 10 minutes after it is posted.

I think you haven't caught my point as to what do I mean when I say we should try regulating the board.

Let me also hear what others have to say.


Private Reply to Govind Srinivasan

Mar 23, 2005 5:42 amre: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Lavanya Karalkar

my God..Kanchana..what a description!! Protective Govind.. I 100% agree with you and Palani in requesting Govind to leave the board on its own stride for some time atleast.

Long live Chennai...


Private Reply to Lavanya Karalkar

Mar 23, 2005 5:52 amre: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Govind Srinivasan
Welcome, Karthik.

Threads don't manage themselves, Karthik.

We require the mix of youth, vigour, energy, experience, expertise, wisdom and sagacity to run a Message Board.

WCFC's msg board is a means and not an end by itself. There are a good lot of msg boards in the net, including in Ryze, which are unmoderated and unregulated. May be, those msg boards are rightly kept that way, as the boards themselves are the end process. Nothing wrong in it. But WCFC's msg board should be a channel (of course, a powerful channel)to make continuous progress with the objectives.

I don't want to deny fun or humour in this board. After all, there is a method even in madness. Then, why not it be in WCFC?

The threaded-discussion way of communicating is certainly a great boon. But there is also a danger of serious postings going into the background quickly. Think of it, if somebody is going to make 8 postings in one go. By doing so, he will push all the existing 8 postings to the background.

Now what I say is this. If we can open threads for different topics, people can follow it and join according to their interests. Otherwise, many threads will get only '0' posting.

Hope you are able to see my point.


Private Reply to Govind Srinivasan

Mar 23, 2005 5:55 amre: re: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Govind Srinivasan

Protection is always good. But over-protection is bad.

If I wanted to over-protect, I won't have listened to any of what you had advised me.

See my other postings and let us commence a few serious long term projects.


Private Reply to Govind Srinivasan

Mar 23, 2005 6:02 amre: re: re: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Lavanya Karalkar

yes I agree and one more small suggestion. You can make it that the board shows atleast 30 different thread at a time so that the thread remain alive in order to avoid
'out of sight out of mind' ...

Govind..I love the way you put the different between protected and over protected. But a mother always tends to over protect na?


PS...normally when I feel happy about saying something i end with a
But dont know whehter WCFC approves such idiosyncrocies !!

Private Reply to Lavanya Karalkar

Mar 23, 2005 6:15 amre: re: re: re: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Govind Srinivasan

Agreed. We will have 30 different threads showing up at any given point of time. I wonder if 30 can be shown straight, but I remember to have read about this feature in the Ryze Admin. Done. Done.

All of us have come to this world through different mothers. To my knowledge, my mother didn't bother to bother about (sorry for this Visu Style) protecting her children, leave alone over protecting.

We just grew up like cactus. There was no option. But we all have a loving mother, who encourage us to do the best of what we want to.

It is today's young mothers, who really tend to overprotect their children. Thats my take.

Sing your 'lalalalalala' lullabies in this msg board, till everybody goes to sleep. Most welcome!! :-)


Private Reply to Govind Srinivasan

Mar 23, 2005 9:12 amre: re: re: re: re: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Lavanya Karalkar

Govind..This thread is taking a left turn. Still i would not like to just quit without putting in my views..Earlier days there were atleast 6 to 7 children in a family and hence mother's over protectivism (if this is a new work, patent will be in my name) was divided among the 6 or 7 children and hence diluted and not noticed. Now with one or two child norm, it is really very visible and in my openion there is nothing wrong..

Thanks for the 30 thread visibility.. you are doing really great Govind, and I hope all our friends take the cue and start contributing their might. The first and foremost will be to rope in new members to this board. I am already on the job and let us all start the same. It need not be restricted to only 'Chennaites' is my humble openion. But Moderator's decision is final na?

jai chennai..jai WCFC..


lalalalalalal is not a lullaby but is song coming from the happy heart..

Private Reply to Lavanya Karalkar

Mar 23, 2005 9:44 amre: re: re: re: re: re: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Govind Srinivasan

This forum is not restricted to Chennai residents. NO QUESTION OF ACCEPTING ANY JINGOISM LIKE "Chennai for Chennaiites only". Right from the beginning, I mean from my first posting itself, I have been telling that this Network is meant for creating an awareness that Chennai should be made into a better living place. The term "Chennaiite" should only a symbolic usage and the meaning of it includes Chennai lovers.

The residential status of the members of this Network is immaterial. I think it is those, who have lived in Chennai earlier, or who visit this city now and then, who will make their presence felt in this Network.

I am eager to listen to the song coming from your happy heart. Hope you would come down to Chennai to sing it, even if you are not a resident here right now. (Bear with me, if my assumption is not right). Yes, we will have a full-blown WCFC meet and you should be there in it.

Protectivism - Patent it immediately and make it get included in the Dictionary.com. But, you may have to fight it out. The Google search brings out about 170 results for the word "Protectivism".



Private Reply to Govind Srinivasan


H@r!$h Vittal

Lets Chill.. We have now started to re-juvenate this board, and lets continue this non-management style for the 30 day period even on the threaded discussions...

What it gives, this "non-management"

Pro -
1. Varied discussion points.
2. Larger arena for people to sound off "whatever"
3. More freedom for participants
4. Point 3 leads to larger participation

1. Dilution of importance of a particular discussion.
2. Too many threads on too many topics

Lets aim to get in people, participate and then i am sure the board itself will mature and the moderator can make rules (if he finds neccessary) to manage the board.

Private Reply to H@r!$h Vittal

Mar 23, 2005 2:28 pmre: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

sushi krishnamoorthi

well said Govind..

Private Reply to sushi krishnamoorthi

Mar 23, 2005 7:44 pmre: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Anurag Mathur
Well Said Harish !

Aye Aye Sir !


Private Reply to Anurag Mathur

Mar 24, 2005 5:40 amre: re: re: DISCUSSION THREAD MANAGEMENT#

Lavanya Karalkar

Welcome Anurag to the board..

Private Reply to Lavanya Karalkar

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